Saturday, May 30, 2015

What is a system? What is a computer System?

Define a system in general.  What is a computer system?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There two types of systems: Open and closed systems. Most of the existing systems are open.

    1. It makes a lot of sense that most are open systems now because it gives the buyer so much flexibility and options when they are buying peripheral devices or software and allows them to change or upgrade those devices when they want to and see necessary

  3. A system is a group of parts that work together to accomplish a specific goal. Each part performs a different task to achieve that goal. A computer system has three components: the hardware, the software, and the user.

    -Audra Bahr

    1. Good point bringing up the different tasks each perform. I did not mention that.

    2. This is a very good point. Computer systems also can connect to peripheral devices such as the printers and scanners that we use often.

  4. A closed system is an isolated system that has no interaction with its external environment. A open system is a non-proprietary system based on publicly known standard set of interfaces that allow anyone to use and communicate with any system that adheres to the same standards.

    Victoria Barski

    1. Does anyone know what types of businesses would be more likely to use closed computer systems? Is there such a thing as a closed computer system?

      Audra Bahr

    2. What type of standards would apply to an open system? How does it communicate?

  5. Machine bureaucracy and production lines use closed systems.

  6. The system is used for a specific path by using groups of parts. The computer system is the hardware (keyboard, unit, monitor), the software (applications) and the person that will be using it.

    Kelly Niemietz

    1. I didn't consider the person that will be using it part of the system but it was a good point to mention because without the person telling the command a computer really doesn't have much use

    2. I also did not think about the person using it in the system, way to think outside the box! The systems can also connect to the peripheral devices such as printers and scanners to get hardcopy results.

  7. A system is a set of things that vary depending on the type of systems that come together to make a whole. They are numerous types of systems. A computer systems is all the units that come together to make a running computer like the central processing unit storage memory and peripheral devices.

  8. An open system is set in its environment that is consistently changing, it has imports and exports throughout the system, while a closed system is isolated from its environment. A computer system consists of hardware and software programs that work together to run a computer.
