Sunday, June 7, 2015

Information Overload

Do you think information overload is a problem? Why? What do you think we should to to reduce its negative impact?


  1. Yes, because we have access to the internet which has tons of information. We can be come bogged down all of the information or data that we can find. Some things that I believe would be good ways to reduce information overloads would be to be direct about what you are looking for, look for only what you need, and keep in mind the single thing that you are looking for.

    1. I like what you said about keeping in mind what you are looking for. I know that if I am not careful I can easily get distracted and end up wasting time, and looking up something completely different if I do not pay attention.

  2. Information overload is not a problem in today's society, although some people choose to make it one. Information is so easily accessible and saves a lot of time. Information can come from the internet, television, newspapers and magazines. Some people also get their information off of social media sites on the internet, which is why it has a negative impact. If people were more educated on what reliable sources are and did not choose to believe everything that they read without further investigation, information overload would not be a problem.

    1. Great point about people being educated on what makes a source reliable. Having this information could make people's usage of the Internet and social media much more powerful.

    2. I do agree that people do need to find the sources that are reliable and base their beliefs off that research however I think when that when you are looking into news that it is hard to find media that isn't biased in one way or the other so when you are trying to form an opinion on a media matter I think that looking into all sides is important and can be almost overwhelming.

    3. Being educated on what sites to look at is extremely important. Seriously, how many people have quoted Wiki in papers?!

  3. I do think that information overload is a problem. At work I do a lot of research, and many times it is very difficult to find what I am looking for even though I have been trained how to. I think that some of the problem is due to unreliable sources as well as sources that are near duplicates. Whenever books are written authors do not generally write books that are very similar. I think that websites/webpages should be more unique. Maybe there could be some monitor which checks how similar content is. This would reduce redundancy, and clear up time and space for more information. Because even though I think that we sometimes have information overload, I think that it is important for us to keep learning new information so that we can continue advancing as a society.

    1. You're absolutely right. There is too much redundancy. Also, people sometimes misquote authors' statements and misrepresent the results of experiments. People keep repeating the false information, so you have to try to find the original source, which can be difficult when the information on the websites is similar.

  4. I think that when looking for a specific answer information overload is a problem in todays society. I think it is hard to decipher the many sources and I also think that a lot of sources will offer information about more than what your looking for so I think we have to spend a lot of time sorting through information. I think that creating advanced search engines that can find that exact information and some how sort through the reliable sources (maybe with some sort of rating system) could help with this problem

    1. Advanced search engines would be extremely helpful. I predict that eventually, technology will be cognizant of our preferences by collecting information about our search habits and buying habits and by tailoring the search results to each individual.

  5. Information overload is a significant problem in our modern information age as we share so much information in a variety of formats (multimedia). You must be weary to not become the source of information overload as well, and be mindful when sharing information to others.

    When researching, make sure the information you find is factual and relevant to your studies. There is so much information available on the internet, and not all is noteworthy. Use filters when appropriate.

  6. I like how you brought up using filters. A lot times when you search for something huge PDF files will come up and have hundreds of pages. By filtering and using word search you can quickly decide if that is actually what you are looking for.

  7. I think that information overload makes it extremely difficult to find exactly what you're looking for. If you are trying to find an academic or scientific article, it would probably be easier to use a library database to find it. The sources in library databases are probably more reliable than others because they have been peer-reviewed.

    1. I agree! Finding the information for my paper has been exhaustive. Things that I think will help, turn out not to. Things that I think are irrelevant are showing helpful, but harder to find.

    2. Yes I completely agree with you. It is much more reliable to use the library databases then just any old search engine even if they carry similar information.

  8. Information overload can be a problem. It is difficult to find exactly what you are looking for sometimes. The thing that comes to my mind when thinking about information overload is when someone goes online to look up what symptoms they happen to be experiencing at the time. With so many different sites and forums out there, people can misdiagnose themselves and not go to a doctor. This to me is a show of information overload. People are looking for online information for everything and in the process sometimes taking things the wrong way. On the other hand, the information has come in handy many times. For instance when fixing breaks on a car, being able to youtube how to do it might save money from taking the car to a dealership. So information overload all depends on what type of information a person is looking for.

    1. I completely agree that this is how much of the people that do not need it overwhelm themselves by finding to much information.

  9. Yes, Information overload is a problem because the rapid advances in information and technology is allowing more information to overload search databases and the internet. This causes a slower processing of researching information. This also can cause a slower system. To help avoid being overloaded with information there are some things that can be done such as not duplicating information, strategies to maintain a personal information, and to take breaks in finding information. While information overload is a problem there are some advantages to it by having more information to use in such things as in research.

  10. Yes I believe that information overload is a problem because of how lost people these days can get in all of the information on the Web. In today's world with all of the information available to people. I feel that in order to limit the negative impact if information overload we should filter the content on the Internet and limit usage to some degree

  11. Yes I believe that information overload is a problem because of how lost people these days can get in all of the information on the Web. In today's world with all of the information available to people. I feel that in order to limit the negative impact if information overload we should filter the content on the Internet and limit usage to some degree
