Monday, June 15, 2015

Cloud Computing

Do you think cloud computing is going to replace traditional computer networking in the near future? 


  1. I do not think cloud computing will completely replace traditional computer networking in the near future. I think that we are probably heading in that direction for the long term future but I do not think it hill happen in the near future. Many people are utilizing cloud computing however people are also reluctant to change. Some people prefer to keep information on traditional computer networks because of security concerns. In some ways this is similar to paper records being replaced by traditional computer networking. Although most people have switched over to computers, a very few are still holding on to paper systems. For that reason as well I do not think that cloud computing will replace it in the near future.

    1. I agree completely. I am still reluctant to using cloud computing as my only source of backup for my devices that can access it. I am leery because I still want a hard copy or backup that I can access if the internet system crashes.

    2. I also agree. The fact that some people are still holding onto paper systems shows how slow the complete transition to cloud computing will be. I also think something that will slow its progress is that fact that to store information on the cloud individuals often have to pay to have more storage than the small free amount many cloud service provider offer. I think that having to pay for something that is free now will always slow down the take over.

  2. I believe that cloud computing will replace traditional computer networking in the near future. I think this will be the case because cloud computing gives gives people the power to have all of their files on hand as long as there is internet connection is on hand. This is the access that every business owner dreams of. No longer do people have to have a heavy medal box that supports everything that is important to them. Another advantage is that anyone who needs to see your information can will special permission that you can give out and take away with a click of a button. For these reasons I believe that cloud computing is just around the corner.

    1. I don't think the cloud can completely take over. For security reasons in different companies they would need to have some kind of storage in place on their own servers. I think cloud storage will continue to grow, but there will always be a need for secondary storage.

  3. Cloud computing is a very convenient way to back things up, such as pictures and contacts on a cell phone, but should not completely replace traditional computer networks. I believe that more companies will start to transfer to a cloud network in the near future, but that many will continue to run a traditional backup every now and then for safety reasons.

    1. Yes, it's always good to have multiple backups.

    2. I like your point. Maybe use cloud computing as one of the resources available and as a tool for storing certain things, but not relying on it completely.

    3. Having a backup is a great idea in using the cloud! But keeping a hard copy outside of computers and clouds is also a good idea.

  4. I think aspects such as cloud storage will continue to grow as the cost continues to decline while the convenience remains high. Cloud storage is accessible through any device with an internet connection which gives you access to all of your files all of the time, without the worry of losing or misplacing a physical storage device.

    With that being said however, I do not think that physical storage will ever be completely replaced. There is still an importance to having your "own" copy of the original data on your individual device. Online storage also brings up some other issues such as security and file/intellectual ownership.

    From a networking perspective with using the Cloud for server or client/host related activities, I believe that cloud computing will continue to grow rapidly as capabilities expand and performance increases. Once again though, I do not think that it will completely replace traditional networking schemes or configurations.

    1. It's good that you brought up the security issues. One big hack attack could cause people to lose faith in the cloud and slow the progression toward cloud-based computing.

    2. I agree with you on the fact that physical storage will never be replaced. When it comes to important agreements and legal documents I think companies are going to continue to want to have the original signed documents on hand.

  5. I think that certain businesses, especially very small businesses, would be more inclined to switch to cloud computing than most individuals. For some businesses it may be cheaper and less time-consuming to pay for a cloud service than to maintain the software themselves. Small businesses who pay for a cloud service don't have to pay for new hardware to support software upgrades either.

    I don't specifically save my work to the cloud for security reasons, but I use Carbonite to back up my documents. Carbonite is cloud-based. In the near future, I think that we will continue to see a mixture of cloud computing and traditional computing. I also think that cloud computing will be replaced by something better before everyone switches to the cloud.

    1. I agree, that there is some reasons for small businesses to use cloud computing but there are lots of security risks that can occur.

  6. Great point about different businesses using the cloud in different ways. Also about cloud computing being replaced by the next thing. Very insightful!

  7. Cloud computing will not completely take over, but it will become bigger and bigger. Different companies will use cloud computing to work with customers and people outside the company. For instance, Amazon has the prime movies cloud where I can buy (well license) a movie and it is stored on the amazon cloud. Then I can access it through apps on my phone, ipad, or even tv. These are just a simple example of how the cloud has helped with videos, but there is a loss of the physical property, of the feeling of owning something.

    1. Yes I agree, there is a feeling of loss without the physical item in place. Vudu is another website that sells movies but it does not have the same feeling as buying a movie from the store.

  8. I think that it will eventually come to cloud computing taking over traditional networking but not anytime soon. There is to many security risks in cloud computing as you hear of hackers leaking information about celebrities and photos of them after saving their items in the cloud. It will take a very long time for a true security measure to be put in place to keep others from getting a hold of their data.

  9. I think that cloud computing will eventually replace traditional computing in the business sense because of the cost advantages and the flexibility. At home on private networks I feel that it will take a lot longer and because of privacy issues on the cloud some people may not ever want to use it fully.
